Standard ticket - for hospitality operators

Tickets are available for hospitality operators. The ticket price includes the full day conference schedule and all refreshments.

Please register unless you already have an account then login. When you register you will be sent an email click on the link to verify your details. Once you have activated your account you will be able to proceed with your booking.

Conference £299

This item is no longer available
Standard ticket - for suppliers to the hospitality industry

Tickets are available for a limited number of suppliers to the industry to visit the event to learn and network. However we limit this allocation to ensure the event is attended by hospitality operators, and we may reject your booking. We have a range of cost-effective sponsorship options available to enable you to use the event to reach potential customers. To find out more email

Please register unless you already have an account then login. When you register you will be sent an email click on the link to verify your details. Once you have activated your account you will be able to proceed with your booking.

Conference £499

This item is no longer available